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Most people know so little about Frederick Douglass, the slave-turned-abolitionist, who helped to found our current democratic-republic. Douglass was a man of virtue, intellect, compassion, and made of the the sort of stuff men today can only hope to attain. I am talking steel. But who was Douglass?  Was he simply a former slave who escaped his fate and directed his anger toward revenge for his former hideous masters?  Was he someone who detached his loyalty from the country, giving his sole allegiance to socialist precepts?  Or was he simply a man sought to live a life of quiet respite, away from the multitude crowds and seeking isolated peace after his longsuffering as a slave? The answer to all of the above is a firm negative.  Douglass was a man ahead of his time. He challenged the current falsities of his day, that Black men were naturally inferior. He held the highest standards of virtue while fighting tooth and nail for freedom, equal rights for all people, and the Constitution

A Mirror of Deceit: How Today's Interpretation of the Establishment Clause Has Deviated From Our Founding

" I can not speak particularly of any of the cases excepting that of Virginia, where it is impossible to deny that Religion prevails with more zeal, and a more exemplary priesthood, than it ever did when established and patronized by Public authority. We are teaching the World the great truth, that Governments do better without Kings & Nobles than with them. The merit will be doubled by the other lesson, that Religion flourishes in greater purity, without than with the aid of Government." -James Madison to Edward Livingston, 1822 The misnomer that the Establishment Clause of the American Constitution allows the American Congress and U.S. Supreme Court the right to infringe on state religious establishment or non-establishment is contrary to the Constitution and the original framers to that document. The original framers, both Federalists and Anti-Federalists alike, adhered to a common understanding that religion was not the enemy of the republic, but rather, the sheer wil